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AI for business beyond ChatGPT

AI for business beyond ChatGPT

10 de agosto de 2023


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But how can we define a roadmap for adopting AI technologies that will lead us from ChatGPT to real business impacts?

By Alexandre Torres

Alexandre Torres, Diretor de Tecnologia da Soluti (CIO) | MSc | PMP | OCAJP
Alexandre Torres, Diretor de Tecnologia da Soluti (CIO) | MSc | PMP | OCAJP

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of current technology’s most promising and challenging areas. But how can we define a roadmap for adopting AI technologies that will lead us from ChatGPT to real business impacts?

This article will divide opportunities into four categories based on the degree of maturity, complexity, and expected return on investment (ROI).

Low hanging fruits

AI in software development – Encourage IT personnel to make the most of suggestion and code generation to increase productivity in development.

Utilize tools to expedite marketing production, such as content, image, and video generators. Make ChatGPT your best friend, as it is a powerful tool to streamline various day-to-day tasks.

A month away

If you have customer service, seek a conversational AI solution for general support and assistance, enhancing satisfaction, loyalty, and cost reduction. Many providers offer ready-to-use models, requiring little to no training.

For the next year

Build a solid data infrastructure and invest in predictions, which can optimize processes, increase revenue, and reduce risks. You must invest in skilled personnel and tools to have a ready-made data lake. Afterward, with more personnel and tools, you can extract insights and predictions for your business.


AI applied to business processes, operation flow analysis, and replacing labor with generative automation is the true “pre-salt” of AI. However, well-mapped processes, investment in skilled personnel, and tailor-made tools are necessary for this.

This involves processes and automation through robots and AI. It’s a long-term investment but with enormous potential for returns.

As you can see, there are several investment opportunities in AI for your business, ranging from simple to complex. The key is clearly understanding your objectives, needs, and available resources. This way, you can choose the best solutions for your case and reap the benefits of AI.

Fonte: LinkedIn

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