A segunda era da Internet, as infraestruturas de assinaturas digitais e os entes confiáveis – [Download] White Paper
8 de março de 2018Uma nova era da tecnologia, nascida na grande plataforma da informação digital, que ainda irá nos permear ao longo de certo tempo, surge e salta aos ávidos e ansiosos olhos de todos os segmentos.

O novo, por vezes, mesmo com hodiernas formas criptográficas para embasamento da segurança nas transações e nos documentos eletrônicos, causa dúvidas, temores, inquietudes de não assentir sobre ser o protagonista do discurso e projetos ou na provável intervenção vertical nos próprios negócios de tema tão inovador, não só para os sistemas transacionais de ativos, mas, também, aos rumos das sociedades e governos.
Leia sobre a Segunda Era da Internet, KSI, PKI e Blockchains Permissionados no White Paper escrito por Eduardo Lacerda, Assessor da Presidência do ITI.
The second era of the internet, digital signature infrastructures and trusted entities KSI, PKI and Permissioned Blockchain
A new era of technology, born on the great platform of digital information, which will still permeate us for some time, emerges and stands out to the avid and anxious eyes of all segments.
The new, sometimes, even using contemporary cryptographic forms to support the security in transactions and electronic documents, raises doubts, fears, concerns of not nodding about being the protagonist of the speech and projects or the probable vertical intervention in the business itself of a such innovative theme, not only for transactional asset systems, but also for the directions of societies and governments.
Blockchain, a Chain of Permanent Electronic Blocks or, extending, a Chain of Permanent Electronic Records, or whatever name one gives this, is an ingenious technological procedure for data storage that involves a protocol of trust and consensus on a network, based in the communication and authentication of distributed point-to-point registers, commonly referred to as Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).
It is built by cryptographic block links in order to increase (for some people to guarantee) the tamper-proof mechanisms and in this point, inclusive, the terms inserted in the competence of the illustrious community of digital signatures.
There are no secrets in the technological inputs behind this meticulous way of fully registering, with a robust mechanism of immutability, digital assets, which can be coupled with the legal manifestation of will in electronic documents and transactions.
Blockchain Synthesis – By ITI Brazil
Going deeper into the details of blockchain or cryptocurrency leads to an enhanced awareness on how ingenious this technology is, sparking technical reasoning, fostering curiosity, helping to absorb concepts, and allowing to realize that this technology may change the way how interactions take place between people, government agencies, and both public and private companies. Upon focusing on the mathematical theories that enabled safe and efficient applications to be developed, there is no obvious challenge to understanding the mathematical evidence, however curiosity is visibly aroused. ITI seeks to have sufficient technology know-how to discuss with expert technicians on a peer level, propose solutions, review projects, and partner with governmental agencies and private enterprises.
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