Blockchain for 2018 and Beyond: A (growing) list of blockchain use cases
5 de fevereiro de 2018Does your company have a New Year’s innovation resolution? 2018 brings an incredible opportunity to take part in the next technological revolution — where Blockchain Technology and SaaS will integrate more seamlessly to produce higher efficiencies for a myriad of business processes.
Escrito por Andrew ‘Flip’ Filipowski

Andrew ‘Flip’ Filipowski
The benefits of blockchain and FlureeDB’s mission to bring them to common enterprise applications deliver an unprecedented number of use cases spanning numerous industries. By shear design, the below list is always incomplete, as new innovators across the industry spectrum are finding novel ways to leverage blockchain technology. What did I miss? Ping me in the comments.
The blockchain process of transacting and storing information on a decentralized, distributed ledger yields many benefits for enterprise application data:
An integrated network, updated in real-time with always-consistent data
– Ability to set rules for each blockchain enforces compliance
– Tracing data from provenance to present to reduce disputes or discourage fraudulent activity
– Increased efficiency of industry processes, reduced auditing costs
– Consent, protection, and control of consumer/customer data
– High level of trust in repository of transactional data
While blockchain use cases are exciting to explore and research, it’s important to point out the gap between potential and tangibility of implementation. FlureeDB hopes to bridge this utility gap, bringing a practical solution to any enterprise application wishing to manifest blockchain’s benefits. Without further ado:
Every/Any Industry
Information-sharing across organizations – trust, transparency, and efficiency
Supply Chain Management – With FlureeDB, a consortium of stakeholders in a supply chain can own, operate and enforce rules for their own shared blockchain.
Coordinate logistics, payments, financial terms, and contract rules
End-to-End visibility and tracking of supply chain process in real-time
Auditing – Records can be instantly independently verified.
Compliance – Track processes against regulations with pre-defined rules
Business Contracts — Set pre-defined rules for transactions between two or more companies engaged in a partnership
Track truthful, full history of vehicle from pre-production to sale
Supply chain parts management
Banking, Financial, Fintech
Streamline payments processing with high efficiency, fast and secure transactions
Empower global transactions, tearing down national currency borders
Minimize auditing complexity for any financial ledger
Tracking donation allocation, accountability, integrity
Reduce overhead and complexity of donation payment processing
Cloud Storage
Increased security with a shift from centralized data security to decentralized network
Lower transactional costs within a decentralized network
Crowdsourcing unused cloud storage
Commercial Vehicles and Transportation
Tracking journey stops; paired with IoT to create an immutable ledger of trip data
Credit History
Make credit reports more accurate, transparent, and accessible
Fight hacking with immutability of ledger
Guarantee validity with data integrity
No Single Point of Failure (decrease in IP-based DDoS attack success)
Provide auditable trail for donations to prevent fraud
Ensure crowdfunded campaigns receive donations and contributors are compensated
Digitizing, verifying academic credentials
Federated repository of academic information specific to class, professor, and student
Bypass public grids to allow for cheaper, peer to peer energy transfer
Smart utility metering
Combined with machine learning algorithms, blockchain can provide a decentralized forecasting tool
Government and Voting
Reduce voter fraud, inefficiencies with verifiable audit trails
Minimize government fraud, digitize most processes
Increase accountability and compliance for government officials
Identity validation; integrity of citizen registry data
Gun Safety
Tracking gun ownership and possession related information
Tracking criminal ID history and attempts to purchase
Human Resources
Background checks: Verification of identity, employment history
Payment and benefits process validation – smart contracts
Improve multi-party contracts
Streamline risk contract efficiency
Streamline claims adjudication
Reduce disputes with transparency of shared data
Ability for IoT applications to contribute transactional data to blockchains
Implications across industries (trucking/transportation, supply chain integrity, etc.)
Law enforcement
Integrity of evidence, resistance to falsification of case data
Documentation of time-stamped, chronological chain of facts
Smart contracts with defined rules, expiration, and accessibility for relevant parties.
Bypass intermediaries, providing more cost-effective advertising
Control of ownership rights
Anti-piracy / copyright infringement
Use of smart contracts for artist compensation/legal proceedings
Payments processing — cryptographic, secure, and anti-3rd party (this opens up content availability internationally)
Medical / Healthcare
Drug Supply Chain Integrity
Patient Databases/Indexes on blockchain
Claims Adjudication
Medical Supply Chain Management
Transparency and Automation within the patient-to-hospital or patient-to-doctor transactions
Clinical trial provenance – integrity with an auditable trail of data exchange
Efficiency, privacy, and ownership of patient health data
Public Transportation/Ride Sharing
Streamline public transportation
Provide more accurate payment for ride, gas, and wear and tear
Real Estate
Transparency within agreements
Verify property information, update and decentralize records
Reduce paperwork, digitize transactional processes
Record, track, transfer land titles
Passenger Identification, boarding, passport, payment, and other documentation digitized and verified
Loyalty programs digitization and tracking
Wills and Inheritances
Smart contracts to determine validity of will and allocation of inheritances
As Enterprises across industries begin to adopt blockchain technology into their everyday processes, use cases will expand exponentially.
What is your use case? Ping me or comment!
FlureeDB is free for beta use:
*Andrew ‘Flip’ Filipowski – Co-CEO Fluree, building a new business application platform| Fluree, PBC | Harvard Business School
Flip is the Co-CEO and Co-Chairman of Fluree, PBC, a new cloud platform that will forever transform how business applications are built.
Fluree Advocate, the first app on the Fluree platform, enables single-click social employee advocacy to be both simple and rewarding.
Flip was the CEO, COO of Cullinet, the largest software company of the 80’s and founder and CEO of Platinum technology, inc., 8th largest global software company at time of sale to CA for 4 billion dollars.
Upside Magazine’s Top 100 most influential people in Information Technology, winner of both the E&Y and the Merril Lynch Entrepreneur of the year award. Winner of ADL’s Torch of Liberty award.
Recipient of the YPO Legacy Award. Each year, one-third of the chapters honor ONE member who personifies and defines YPO’s legacy for the next generation” Andrew ‘Flip’ Filipowski, is a successful high-tech entrepreneur, philanthropist, and industry visionary.
He devotes his expertise, vision, leadership and entrepreneurial talent to the strategic direction of SilkRoad Equity’s and Tally Capital’s investments and is actively the Executive Chairman of Fuel50, VeriBlock, Bloc, MissionMode and Netswitch. Flip was honored and inducted as First Captain & Honored Old Boy of St John’s Northwestern Military Academy.
Recently named one of the “Top 50 Startup Influencers to follow in 2016” by Linkedin. Proud koi owner of Rose Princess Kohaku – winner of the 80-bu Kokugyo prize in the 2006 All Japan Combined Show & Taisho Sanshoku – Grand Champion at the ZNA Southern California Show – @silkroadflip,
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