International News
International News
American Express lança anúncio vintage para promover Apple Pay
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Symantec has a found a spying tool active on computers around the world
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The Cost of Creating Collisions Using SHA-1
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Download at your own risk: Bitcoin mine
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5 de junho de 2024International News
The spy in your wallet: Credit cards have a privacy problem
Credit cards are a spy in your wallet — and it’s time that we add privacy, alongside rewards and rates, to how we evaluate them.
Leia maisRansomware hackers hit nearly two dozen Texas cities
Approximately 23 cities and government agencies in Texas have been hit by hackers who held the captured computer systems ransom, Texas authorities said this week.
Leia maisFacial recognition for travel and onboarding top this week’s biometrics and digital ID news
A blog post from APEX checks in on the attitudes of people in Asia to facial recognition in airports, and finds that despite some critical voices.
Leia maisPhishing: Watch out for this new version of trojan malware that spreads through malicious Word documents
Now researchers at cybersecurity firm Fortinet have identified a new version of Ursnif in the wild that is spreading via phishing emails containing weaponised Word documents.
Leia maisScaling digital: How Brazil is rewiring government. By Luis Felipe Monteiro
Partly because of the huge size of Brazil, the government has identified digital transformation as a powerful tool for the state to effectively reach its citizens.
Leia maisPrefeituras pagam milhões à hackers após ataques
Duas cidades da Flórida passaram por sérios problemas com ransomware no mês de junho. Órgãos públicos de Lake City e Riviera Beach tiveram seus dados criptografados por hackers.
Leia maisTo foil hackers, this chip can change its code in the blink of an eye
Todd Austin, a professor at the University of Michigan, is working on an approach known as Morpheus that aims to frustrate hackers trying to gain control of microchips
Leia maisAcordo Mercosul União-Europeia vai garantir crescimento econômico de longo prazo ao Brasil
Acordo reúne um mercado consumidor para bens e serviços de 780 milhões de pessoas, além dos Estados do Mercosul.
Leia mais“Agent Smith”: The New Virus to Hit Mobile Devices
In the Wachowski Brothers’ classic Matrix trilogy, “Agent Smith” famously describes the human race as a species that multiplies until every resource is consumed.
Leia maisNIST – Blockchain Identity Management Systems – Draft White Paper
A Taxonomic Approach to Understanding Emerging Blockchain Identity Management Systems (IDMS)
Leia maisGoogle e a Universidade de Chicago são processados pelo compartilhamento de dados
O Google e Universidade de Chicago foram processados em uma potencial ação coletiva por compartilhamento de registros de pacientes.
Leia maisMalicious URL attacks using HTTPS surge across the enterprise
According to FireEye’s Q1 2019 Email Threat report there has been a 26 percent increase in the use of malicious URLs made to appear legitimate through HTTPS.
Leia maisCybersecurity: Three hacking trends you need to know about to help protect yourself
This could create new challenges for cybersecurity, but it’s likely that as with the majority of cyberattacks which target organisations.
Leia maisMaking Monitoring AI Bias a Little Easier
We are making it easier to detect and mitigate bias against protected attributes like sex and ethnicity with Watson OpenScale through recommended bias monitors.
Leia maisAs biometric facial recognition technology spreads, privacy concerns follow
CB Insights details facial recognition applications for law enforcement, access to cars, banking authentication, virtual makeup samples.
Leia maisFacial recognition: A strategic imperative for national security
Biometrics, and specifically facial recognition technology (FRT) provides a game-changing technology to detect threats immediately and verify identities with near-certainty.
Leia maisA IATA decide por unanimidade acelerar a adoção do One ID para viagens aéreas
A IATA trabalhará para acelerar a adoção de um único identificador biométrico através de sua iniciativa One ID por decisão unânime em sua Reunião Geral Anual.
Leia maisEsforços de transformação digital mudando empresas, carreiras, equipes em múltiplas frentes
80% dos entrevistados de empresas que amadurecem digital dizem que suas organizações promovem parcerias com grupos e parceiros externos.
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